Saturday, November 27, 2010

Felicita here!

And my best friend, Kelly, came back last Saturday! She was in a small crash on the way here, but hey she needs a new coat now. No biggy! She complained about it for a while...., but she got over it. And she went back TODAY!!!! I mean, 'Can I just keep her here for, well, EVER!?!', but I texted her last night asking when she will be back next. She says three weeks from yesterday. So probably the 17th, one week before Christmas Eve! Yes! Then I texted her this morning (since I know she would be leaving this morning) telling her I already started missing her again. She texted me back saying this,

Oh (my real name)! You are so awesome! I'll miss you too! It's just three weeks. Keep living the faith while I'm gone. :)

I was real confused by what she meant by keep living the faith, but it's my mission this time.


Friday, November 19, 2010


Sofia here! Nothing going on so far at school. Just had a lot of half days. Felicita and I have been hanigng out with our friend Super Hillbilly Racoon. Life, it good.

So you might be wondering somethign about me. Well, I will say something(s) every post. So here:

I am friends with a quadrapeligic
I love Linkin Park.